LATEST Studies and Presentations
Coming in April - New Series - Devil/Satan/Serpent
2025 Calendar is ready!
Did you know that the history, divorce/punishment, and migrations of our Israelite ancestors and their temporary God-given Amnesia is a result of disobedience?
Did you know that the Old Folklore Children's Stories (Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Hansel & Gretel, Jack & the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White and Rose Red, The 12 Brothers, The Enchanted Stag, the Frog King, and the 7 Ravens) are based on these facts and Biblical prophecies?
I designed this years calendar to go along with audio readings for fun and learning.
Instructions are on the back page, but below are the links. I recommend pulling these up on your TV if you can, the playlist link in one tab and the link to the pdf. of the calendar in another tab, so that you can enjoy the calendar fully as you follow along with a story that coincides with the month and pictures (some may need two devices to do this). I put A LOT of detail into this and I tried to design the pages to enhance the story, the message, the pictures, and the biblical verses, to make learning fun. The videos are great. They explain prophecy and migration and nation building and the deeper meanings of Scripture and how these stories relate to our people, and their travels from Canaan to the wilderness of Europe, and ultimately regathered here in America (Canada, Australia, South Africa, and other Anglo nations too of course!).
These calendars are teaching tools, so make a night of fellowship with friends and family, and the kids. Each video is only about 15mins to 30mins. Do one a month.
The first two pages/months are an introduction. I wanted to first establish the covenants (first page) and then the Assyrian and Babylonian deportations, from which our ancestors then migrated all over the Greco-Roman world, and into the wilderness of Europe, the British Isles, and America.
Begin the Snow White video with the month of May.
Snow White - audio reading
This link is the calendar (best seen on large screen)
2025 Calendar - pdf.
Free to print and share. Sorry I'm already out of hard copies. *I can get more printed if an order is large enough.
CAM 2-day Online Bible Conference 12/24. 4 Streams- Over 13hrs of Kingdom Identity pastors coming together to reveal Who is True Israel? (Click Who's Who)
Jesus IS God
Exclusiveness of Israelites
12 Tribes Migration History
Women in the Bible (click Who's Who)
100 Proofs Israelites are White (in Who's Who menu)
Other Preachers on The Jews (in Who's Who menu)
Other Preachers on WHO the Israelites ARE - links
2024 Calendar - Who are the Strangers in the Bible? - pdf.
Separate & Segregated - 16 part series - Part 15 is Old Testament Series Summary - Part 16 is New Testament Series Summary
STRANGERS - 10 part series - Part 11 is a Summary
MILLENNIALISM - 10 part series - Part 11 is a Summary (Reader's Digest version-last 12 pages)
WHAT WAS 'DONE AWAY WITH'? - 45 part series on the law - Part 45 is a Summary (Reader's Digest version-pdf.)
*All audio word studies and presentations are in WORD STUDY AUDIOS menu*
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