What Is Anti-Semitism?




Below is how the Jews define and explain Anti-Semitism. It is also the way society has come to understand Anti-Semitism.


The ADL is The Anti Defamation League.



From: adl.org


The belief or behavior hostile toward Jews just because they are Jewish. It may take the form of religious teachings that proclaim the inferiority of Jews, for instance, or political efforts to isolate, oppress, or otherwise injure them. It may also include prejudiced or stereotyped views about Jews.


Hostility toward Jews dates to ancient times, perhaps to the beginning of Jewish history. From the days of the Bible until the Roman Empire, Jews were criticized and sometimes punished for their efforts to remain a separate social and religious group — one that refused to adopt the values and the way of life of the non-Jewish societies in which it lived.

The rise of Christianity greatly increased hatred of Jews. They became seen not merely as outsiders but as a people who rejected Jesus and crucified him — despite the fact that the Roman authorities ordered and carried out the crucifixion. By the high middle ages (11th-14th centuries), Jews were widely persecuted as barely human "Christ-killers" and "Devils." Forced to live in all-Jewish ghettos, they were accused of poisoning rivers and wells during times of disease. Some were tortured and executed for supposedly abducting and killing Christian children to drink their blood or to use it in baking matzoh — a charge known as the "blood libel." A large number were forced to convert to Christianity to avoid death, torture, or expulsion, though many secretly practiced Judaism after their conversions. (In recent times, the Catholic church and other Christian churches have rejected these anti-Semitic falsehoods.)

In the 18th century, as the influence of Christianity began to lessen during the Enlightenment — which celebrated the rights and possibilities of men and women to a far greater extent than ever before — religiously based hatred of Jewishness gave way to non-religious criticism: Judaism was attacked as an outdated belief that blocked human progress. Jewish separatism was again targeted. As European countries began to take modern shape in the 19th century and national pride grew, Jews, who were still usually deprived of civil rights and lived throughout Europe as outsiders, were subjected to further hostility. This hostility resulted at times in deadly persecution, as in the late-19th century Russian pogroms — violent attacks on Jewish communities with the aid or indifference of the government.

At the same time, in response to the decline of Christian belief and the growing number of Jews beginning to join the mainstream of European society (a trend known as "assimilation"), anti-Semites turned to the new "racial science," an attempt, since discredited, by various scientists and writers to "prove" the supremacy of non-Jewish whites. The opponents of Jews argued that Jewishness was not a religion but a racial category, and that the Jewish "race" was biologically inferior.

The belief in a Jewish race would later become Germany's justification for seeking to kill every Jewish person in lands Germany occupied during World War II, whether the person practiced Judaism or not. In fact, even the children or grandchildren of those who had converted to Christianity were murdered as members of the Jewish race. The Holocaust, as this systematic mass extermination between 1939-1945 is known, resulted in the death of six million Jews — more than a third of the world's Jewish population. While the rise to power of the Nazis (Germany's leaders during World War II) in the 1920s and 1930s involved numerous social and political factors, the views that helped turn anti-Semitism into official government policy included belief in the inborn superiority of "Aryans," or whites; belief that Jews destroyed societies; that Jews secretly worked together to gain control of the world; and that Jews already controlled world finance, business, media, entertainment, and Communism.

In the half-century since World War II, public anti-Semitism has become much less frequent in the Western world. While stereotypes about Jews remain common, Jews face little physical danger. The hatred of Jewishness and the conspiracy beliefs of past eras are for the most part shared only by tiny numbers of those on the fringes of society (although as the World Trade Center and Oklahoma bombings showed, even a handful of extremists can carry out acts of great violence). There are exceptions, of course: disagreement over policy toward the State of Israel has created opportunities in which the expression "Zionist" — support for Israel as the Jewish homeland — is often used as an anti-Semitic code word for "Jew" in mainstream debate. Holocaust denial and other recent re-writings of history — such as the false claim that Jews controlled the Atlantic slave trade — lie about the events of the past in order to make Jews seem underhanded and evil.

More seriously, many nations in Europe and in the former Soviet empire are struggling, mostly due to unsettled or chaotic economic and social conditions, with movements opposing "foreigners" — including recent immigrants and traditional enemies. These movements champion racial or national supremacy, and call for the type of charismatic, authoritarian leader that historically persecuted Jews and other minorities.

But while parts of Europe remain caught up in racial unrest, the Middle East is home to the harshest anti-Semitism in the world today. Nazi-like language is regularly expressed by the media and governments in the countries that oppose Israel and the West. And as dozens and dozens of terrorist incidents have demonstrated, there are many in Middle Eastern countries willing to act on these beliefs.

Sounds about right, right? Anti-Semitism is hatred towards Jews.


Remember when the word 'gay' used to mean happy? Now it means 'homosexual'.


Below is the same definition and explaination of Anti-Semitism as above. But you will find that Anti-Semitism is not what the Jews or society say it is.


Now let's shine the light of Truth upon these Dark lies.


The belief or behavior hostile toward Jews just because they are Jewish. It may take the form of religious teachings that proclaim the inferiority of Jews, for instance, or political efforts to isolate, oppress, or otherwise injure them. It may also include prejudiced or stereotyped views about Jews.

Matthew 7:16 ​​ Ye shall know them by their fruits.

First, Jews are not even Semites.

If you are not familiar with the Scriptures, or who the scriptures are written by, to, for and about, this is where we need to begin. Very briefly it goes like this.

Adam is a race of people. Adam is not the father of all the races. Adam is the father of the white race. How do we know this? By definition, by history, and by archaeology. A learned student will be able to trace ancestry of our race back to Adam. One quick and plain example is Queen Elizabeth II. She is a direct descendant of King David who is a Judahite (and Christ is in that line too). She is not a Jew. Her husband was, but she is a white Israelite! ​​ 

Adam is defined in the Hebrew as adam (awdawm) H120.

H121 'âdâm  ​​​​ aw-dawm'

The same as H120 the race; Adam, the name of the first man.

Not the first man ever. Rather the first man of the race. The race of Adam is defined from:

H119; ruddy, that is, a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.)

H119 is the verb form of awdawm. Defined as: To show blood (in the face), that is, flush or turn rosy, to blush.

Awdawm, the race is also described in scripture as fair, comely, white (as snow), and pure.

Genesis chapter 1 details the creation of the species of adam (awdawm). The race, males and females. Just like the birds of the sky, creatures of the land, and fish of the sea. God created them. Plural.

Genesis chapter 2 details the formation of the man Adam. This man Adam was given the breath of life (the Spirit, DNA) personally by Yahweh God.


The Jews are descendants of Cain, who was NOT Adam's son. Yes, Eve was seduced and deceived into having sex with the serpent (Devil, Satan, Adversary, fallen angel, Lucifer). Later on, Esau (a white brother of Jacob's) married Hittite wives (related to Cain) and polluted his seedline forever. The Jews are Canaanites (of Cain) and Edomites (of Esau Edom). When you understand this fact, you will be able to understand just who the Jews are and their mode of operation. The Bible will also become very clear.


Now back to revealing what a Semite is.

Adam (the father of the white race with God's spirit/DNA) begat a replacement for Abel, whom Cain slew, in Seth. Fast forward from Seth a few generations and we come to Noah. Noah had three sons. Japheth, Ham, and Shem. Can you guess which son the word Semite comes from?

If you guessed Shem, you are on your way to understanding. Shem is the line in which God's people continue to be established from. Shemites. Fast forward through a few more generations and we come to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jacob was named Israel. It is the white nations of the world today that are the sons of Jacob. Jacob had a brother, Esau.

Esau is called Edom. The father of the Edomite Jews. Esau race-mixed with Canaanite (Hittite) women. Therefore his seedline is a corrupt mongrel race. The Jews are the most race-mixed people on the earth. They are not a pure race, rather they are a mix of all the races, in addition to their racial diversity they carry the satanic blood from Cain's father. So you see, they cannot be Semites.

The whole world has been deceived by this lie that the Jews are Israel, that they are Semites, and that they are God's chosen people. Here is just two quotes (from their own words) which shows that they are not Israel. Many more can be found in the Who's Who menu.

“Edom is in modern Jewry.” —The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol.5, p.41

Genesis 36:8 ​​ Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau is Edom.

"Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew."
(1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3).

And one more, to identify the other branch of Jewry.

The Jewish Encyclopedia: Khazar Jews- "Khazars, a non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into Eastern Europe about the first century, who were converted as an entire nation to Judaism in the seventh century by the expanding Russian nation which absorbed the entire Khazar population, and who account for the presence in Eastern Europe of the great numbers of Yiddish-speaking Jews in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Galatia, Besserabia and Rumania."

Which is funny because about 95% of Jews today are from this non-Semitic nation of Khazar Jews.

If you look up the word Shemite, you will find that many dictionaries define it correctly.

From Memidex: Shemite (White person)

Definition: a member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Middle East and northern Africa

Class: person noun (people)

Plurals: Shemite* | Shemites
(* Shemite may be used in a singular or plural context)

Type of: White person » person » organism » living thing

Original source: Princeton WordNet

Examples: Arabian | Aramean | Assyrian | Babylonian | Canaanite | Chaldean | Phoenician

Synonyms: Semite

Etymology: from New Latin sēmīta descendant of Shem, via Greek Sēm, from Hebrew Shem

Others such as Merriam-Webster, New World, Random House, Wiktionary, Columbia, American Heritage, and Cambridge all define a Shemite as a descendant of the Biblical Shem, who speak a Shemitic language, and lived in the Middle East. Which our ancestors did before they migrated north into Europe through the Caucasus Mountains. Caucasus (Caucasian) Mountains. Yes, some of these dictionaries add Arabs, Jews and others to the definition, which of course is incorrect as they are not white people. The original Arabs were white, just as the original Egyptians were white (they were Hamites, Ham the brother of Shem).



Now continuing with the ADL deception.

Hostility toward Jews dates to ancient times, perhaps to the beginning of Jewish history. From the days of the Bible until the Roman Empire, Jews were criticized and sometimes punished for their efforts to remain a separate social and religious group — one that refused to adopt the values and the way of life of the non-Jewish societies in which it lived.

It is the Jew that pushes integration, race-mixing, diversity, and multi-culturism. It is the Jew that follows the sons of Jacob everywhere we go. It is the Jew that seeks to defile our laws, traditions and word of God. It is the Jew that has been kicked out of over 109 countries because of their satanic practices. They don't want to adopt the values and way of life of white people (True Israel).

It is we True Israelites that are commanded by Yahweh God to remain separate from the other races and peoples of the world. See 'Separate and Segregated' in Word Studies menu.


The rise of Christianity greatly increased hatred of Jews. They became seen not merely as outsiders but as a people who rejected Jesus and crucified him — despite the fact that the Roman authorities ordered and carried out the crucifixion. By the high middle ages (11th-14th centuries), Jews were widely persecuted as barely human "Christ-killers" and "Devils." Forced to live in all-Jewish ghettos, they were accused of poisoning rivers and wells during times of disease. Some were tortured and executed for supposedly abducting and killing Christian children to drink their blood or to use it in baking matzoh — a charge known as the "blood libel." A large number were forced to convert to Christianity to avoid death, torture, or expulsion, though many secretly practiced Judaism after their conversions. (In recent times, the Catholic church and other Christian churches have rejected these anti-Semitic falsehoods.)

It is the Jew who has rejected and crucified Christ. It was the Jews that instigated and demanded the crucifixion, and it was their guards and soldiers that carried it out. It is the Jew that are Christ-killers and Devils. (See 'The Trials of Jesus' in the menu)

John 8:44 ​​ Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He (Cain) was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

It is the Jew who poisons us, then and today, they own all the institutions and companies. They allow harmful ingredients in our foods, pesticides and genetically modified foods and ingredients, pharmaceuticals, etc. It is the Jew that runs the slave trade and sex trafficking. It is the Jew that performs these rituals on our white pure-blooded children.


The candidates for New York City mayor have offered their positions on an unexpected issue -- an ancient Jewish ritual in which blood is sucked from the recently circumcised penis of a baby boy.

The ritual, called metzitzah b'peh, is controversial because infants can contract herpes when the mohel, or circumciser, sucks the blood to "cleanse" the circumcision wound. Current New York City law says parents must sign a consent form acknowledging the dangers of metzitzah b'peh before it is performed, a measure passed by the Bloomberg administration.

This is not an Israelite custom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look into PizzaGate, Lolita Express, and many more secret society rituals run by Jews!

How about how they have taught our people in ancient times to 'pass children through the fire' to their god Molech! (Lev 18:21; Deut 18:10; 2Ki 16:3, 17:17, 21:6, 23:10; 2Chr 33:6; Jer 32:35; Eze 16:21, 20:26, 31, 23:37).

It is only in recent times that the world and the “churches” have rejected these “anti-semitic” “falsehoods” because of the propaganda of lies being force fed to our people over 2000 years. Truth has been changed to Lie. Why do you think they own the media, TV and movie business?


In the 18th century, as the influence of Christianity began to lessen during the Enlightenment — which celebrated the rights and possibilities of men and women to a far greater extent than ever before — religiously based hatred of Jewishness gave way to non-religious criticism: Judaism was attacked as an outdated belief that blocked human progress. Jewish separatism was again targeted. As European countries began to take modern shape in the 19th century and national pride grew, Jews, who were still usually deprived of civil rights and lived throughout Europe as outsiders, were subjected to further hostility. This hostility resulted at times in deadly persecution, as in the late-19th century Russian pogroms — violent attacks on Jewish communities with the aid or indifference of the government.

Judaism was not attacked, Christianity adopted Judaism, hence Judeo-Christianity. Jews were held in check for a thousand years from 800-1800 AD while Christianity grew and the gospel spread all over Europe to the 'lost' sheep of the house of Israel. The Jews were not allowed to enter Christian society and deceive our people and enslave them with their usury. When the French Revolution ended, the Jew was released from their chains in the bottomless pit (the ghettos) and were once again free to infiltrate our white Christian society only to defile it and turn us away from our God, whom they HATE!

It is the Bolshevic Jews which murdered the Russian Czar and millions of white Russians!

At the same time, in response to the decline of Christian belief and the growing number of Jews beginning to join the mainstream of European society (a trend known as "assimilation"), anti-Semites turned to the new "racial science," an attempt, since discredited, by various scientists and writers to "prove" the supremacy of non-Jewish whites. The opponents of Jews argued that Jewishness was not a religion but a racial category, and that the Jewish "race" was biologically inferior.

The decline of Christian belief came as a result of Jewish Lies. When the Jews bought out all the publishing houses, they changed history, the law, and the Word. They demonized Germany, Hitler, the Klu Klux Klan, and other entities. They wrote bibles such as the Scofield Bible and polluted true literature, just as they have distorted the translations of scripture. The KJV has over 27,000 errors, most of which are deliberate.

The Bible is a very racist book, and exclusive. God chose Israel (the white race) to be the city on the hill, the light to society. See 'Chosen' in Word Studies menu.

It is the white man, throughout history, which brought civilization, innovation, cultivation, law, and the gospel to the world. (See 'The Marks of Israel' in Who's Who menu)

The Jews are not a religion or a race. They are the counterfeit. They are the seed of the serpent in the garden which has enmity with the seed of the woman (See Gen 3:15). They are hybrids with genocide of the white race on their minds.

In paragraph 1 of Protocol 3 of Learned Elders of Zion the leaders of Jewry admit that the Jews are the serpent race of Satan.

Look up Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion for yourself. It details their hatred for us and how they easily and effectively control us.


Jewish EU 'founding father' Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi in 'Praktischer Idealismus' 1925

“We [Jews] intend to turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negros ruled over by the Jews”


Israel Cohen 1879-1961

“We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”


Neil Gabler, An Empire of Their Won. How the Jews invented Hollywood. Crown Publishers, NY, 1988

“The Hollywood Jews created a powerful cluster of images and ideas – so powerful that, in a sense, they colonized the American imagination... Ultimately, American values came to be defined by the movies the Jews made.”

Laemmle(Universal) Fox(20th Century Fox) Goldwyn(MGM) Warner(Warner Bros) Mayer(MGM) Zukor(Paramount)


Rabbi Harry Watons

“Judaism is Communism, Internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race. The races and the nations will cheerfully submit to the spiritual power of Judaism, and all will become JEWS.”


Marcus Eli Ravage ​​ Jewish Writer and Rothschild Biographer, The Century Magazine, A Real Case Against the Jews, 1928 p.347

“...if you really are serious when you talk of Jewish plots, may I not direct your attention to one worth talking about?... You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great War but of nearly all your Wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it...”

The Jews are biologically inferior. They are broken cisterns, clouds/wells without water, twice dead, plucked up by the roots. Parasites. They are the most disease prone people on the earth. Why do you think they drink our blood, eat our flesh, race-mix with us? Because they are lifeless, spiritless, walking corpses that need us to survive.


The belief in a Jewish race would later become Germany's justification for seeking to kill every Jewish person in lands Germany occupied during World War II, whether the person practiced Judaism or not. In fact, even the children or grandchildren of those who had converted to Christianity were murdered as members of the Jewish race. The Holocaust, as this systematic mass extermination between 1939-1945 is known, resulted in the death of six million Jews — more than a third of the world's Jewish population. While the rise to power of the Nazis (Germany's leaders during World War II) in the 1920s and 1930s involved numerous social and political factors, the views that helped turn anti-Semitism into official government policy included belief in the inborn superiority of "Aryans," or whites; belief that Jews destroyed societies; that Jews secretly worked together to gain control of the world; and that Jews already controlled world finance, business, media, entertainment, and Communism.

A Jew cannot be a Christian. That's like trying to make a Devil a Saint.

The holocaust was a hoax. See evidence in Who's Who menu-The Jews-Jewish Fables.

Titus 1:14 ​​ Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

Why aren't we reminded of the holocaust of over 100 million of our own race slaughtered by Jews!!! Why are we imprisoned and persecuted for denying the Hoaxacaust? Because you know who rules over you when you can't criticize them! The Jews had to defeat Germany because at the time, the Germans, who are of the house of Judah, were white Christians with a flourishing economy and leading the world in innovation. Hitler was demonized by the Jews. Just look at the video 'Triumph of the Will' and tell me just how evil the Germans were. The true holocaust was the bombing of Dresden. See 'Hellstorm' for that! All these can be found in 'Exposing the Hidden' in the menu.

Do you know that the Diary of Anne Frank was written in ball point pen? She was stated to have written her diary between 1942-1944. The ball point pen was not available until 1945.

It IS the Jews that have done everything they accuse our people of in the last clause above. It is not hard to find that it is the Jews that own everything, run everything, and defile everything! In fact, the few quotes I provided above demonstrate that the Jew knows exactly what it is they are doing, even from their own mouths. See 'From their own mouths' in Who's Who menu. It also contains what 'Famous Men Throughout History','Jesus', and 'God' said about the Jews.


In the half-century since World War II, public anti-Semitism has become much less frequent in the Western world. While stereotypes about Jews remain common, Jews face little physical danger. The hatred of Jewishness and the conspiracy beliefs of past eras are for the most part shared only by tiny numbers of those on the fringes of society (although as the World Trade Center and Oklahoma bombings showed, even a handful of extremists can carry out acts of great violence). There are exceptions, of course: disagreement over policy toward the State of Israel has created opportunities in which the expression "Zionist" — support for Israel as the Jewish homeland — is often used as an anti-Semitic code word for "Jew" in mainstream debate. Holocaust denial and other recent re-writings of history — such as the false claim that Jews controlled the Atlantic slave trade — lie about the events of the past in order to make Jews seem underhanded and evil.

Yes, hatred of Jews is less frequent. That's because they have everybody FOOLED! Only the remnant of Yahweh's obedient children know what is going on, and our own people fight against us because they have been DECEIVED! Every “church” denomination is saturated in Judaism, the doctrine of Devils. Jesus was NOT a Jew!

The World Trade Center and other events were planned, financed, and carried out by Jews, and/or those that do their bidding. These false flag events are created for the sole purpose of pushing their plans and agendas. Notice how our freedoms are being chipped away? Freedom of speech, right to bear arms, privacy, etc.

The state of Israhell was stolen in 1948 due to the agitation of both World Wars. Not only were they able to claim the land, but they got us to fight against our brethren, our race. Millions of our people died so that the Jew can gain more control, more money, and a safe place for them to flee to when they are exposed! That is why they created the ADL, because when they are exposed, they are persecuted. They should be STONED! But when Christ returns He will take care of them for us. Read the short book of Obadiah, only 21 verses.

Notice how they claim how innocent they are, and it is not them that have done all these things in the last clause above. Time to wake up people!


More seriously, many nations in Europe and in the former Soviet empire are struggling, mostly due to unsettled or chaotic economic and social conditions, with movements opposing "foreigners" — including recent immigrants and traditional enemies. These movements champion racial or national supremacy, and call for the type of charismatic, authoritarian leader that historically persecuted Jews and other minorities.

The European nations and former Soviet empire are struggling because of the Jew! It is the Jew that has brought chaos and opposition. When they infiltrate, they change everything to benefit themselves. They institute the society of their father the Devil. Just look at America today, no longer a white Christian nation. Now it is a multi-cultural, multi-god, race-mixed cesspool. Why aren't the Jews trying to get the Chinese, Africans or Mexicans to race-mix in their countries? Because they aren't white blessed children of the Most High. The Jew only wants to destroy the white race so that when Christ returns their father the Devil can say, “Where are your children? These are all my children.”


But while parts of Europe remain caught up in racial unrest, the Middle East is home to the harshest anti-Semitism in the world today. Nazi-like language is regularly expressed by the media and governments in the countries that oppose Israel and the West. And as dozens and dozens of terrorist incidents have demonstrated, there are many in Middle Eastern countries willing to act on these beliefs.

The Middle East is full of Arabs, which are related to the Jews. The Arabs were once white men of the sons of Ishmael, Abraham's son through Hagar. But they eventually race-mixed with Canaanites and Edomites (Jews!). Hence the word Arab means dusky, or to grow dark.

The incidents the Jew is referring to above are their own efforts to deceive, agitate, and instigate their agenda.

The very fact that the Jews own all the banks in the world should tell you something. They finance both sides of every war. See 'All wars are bankers wars' in Money menu.

Three things that changed America in 1913 because of the Jews: The Federal Reserve Bank – Income Tax – The ADL.

Time to wake up!

The Jews are NOT Semites! Nor Hebrews, nor Israelites, nor Adamites.


It is we, the white race of Adam, who are Israelite Hebrew Shemites.


So what is Anti-Semitism?

It is hatred towards whites which is the correct meaning of Anti-Semitism. It is the Jew's devices against us constantly to destroy us. It is the Jew that hates the white race and our God. It is the Jews who are Anti-Semites.


If you want to call hatred towards Jews a name, call it Anti-Jewishism. Or Anti-Sepharvaim. Or Anti-Ashkenazim. Or Anti-Qayin. Or Anti-Edomites. Or Anti-Devilism. Just call them what they are, and not what they aren't.


So you either believe what everybody else believes, which is what the Jews want, or you believe that you have been lied to and now know the truth. One of the two meanings of Anti-Semitism is wrong.



From holywar.org

Behind the Mask of Respectability:
The truth about the Anti-Defamation League

1 - Introduction

The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, or ADL for short, presents itself as an organization against ethnic, racial or religious intolerance. It's very name suggests that it opposes "defamation."

In reality, the Anti-Defamation League is an organization that supports Jewish ethnic and religious supremacy, and relentlessly "defames" anyone who dares to point out its own hypocrisy. While supposedly opposing ethnic segregation and ethnic superiority, the ADL supports Israel and international Zionism which promotes not a vision of a "multi-cultural," "multi-ethnic" Israel, but of a "Jewish state." That state is openly dedicated to the advancement of the Jewish religion, culture, and even the genetic preservation of the Jewish people. This is, of course, the very opposite of the policies it proposes for our American nation.

Consider the following:

The ADL supports forced integration of schools, neighborhoods, apartment complexes, clubs, churches and communities in America.

Yet, it supports Israel which has a policy of segregated schools, neighborhoods, apartment complexes and even whole towns for Jews and Gentiles.

The ADL has been instrumental in changing America's immigration policies that will result in European Americans becoming a minority in America by the middle of this century.

Yet, the ADL supports Israel, which has a "Jews only" immigration policy. In fact, it even keeps out Palestinians who were born there and then forced out during the Zionist takeover in 1948.

The ADL has condemned European Americans, such as the administrators of Bob Jones University, who oppose racial intermarriage, Yet, the ADL supports Israel, a nation that does not even recognize as a legal union, marriage between a Jew and Gentile, The ADL has also never condemned the extensive Jewish opposition to intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews (every major Jewish organization around the world has openly stated policies opposing intermarriage).

The ADL has condemned Sadaam Hussein and any of his supporters around the world for his invasion of Kuwait, production of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, and for violating United Nations resolutions.

Yet, the ADL did not condemn Israel for the brutal invasion of neighboring Lebanon, resulting in at least 30,000 civilians dead, and lasting almost twenty years in violation of U.N. resolutions. Nor has the ADL condemned Israel for its extensive development of biological and chemical weapons.

The ADL has repeatedly condemned scientists who show that there are significant genetic differences in intelligence between Whites and Blacks, and they have condemned me for simply pointing out that scientific truth.

Yet, the ADL has not condemned the founder of Israel, David Ben Gurion, for his statement that he believed in the "intellectual and moral superiority" of the Jewish people.

The ADL is by its own definition a racist, supremacist organization, and recognizing that fact should not make someone deserve the label of "anti-Semite." The truth is that the ADL is anti-Gentile! They are not about anti-defamation, but their whole modus operandi is concerned with defaming anyone of any nationality who wants for their own people what the Jewish ADL leaders want for theirs. In other words, they are opposed to every other ethnic nationalism but their own! The whole organization is based on attacking, intimidating and defaming anyone who opposes their Jewish supremacism.

In fact, anyone who criticizes their hypocrisy and that of Israel, whether or not the critics are "racially aware" or "anti-racist," will be condemned by the ADL. For their real mission is simply to advance the Jewish Supremacist agenda in America and around the world.


2 - ADL of B'nai B'rith

The ADL was founded in 1913 as an adjunct to the international Jewish fraternal order and secret society, the "B'nai B'rith," whose name, translated literally from Hebrew means "sons of the cut" - referring to circumcision.

The ADL operates 28 offices domestically and 3 offices abroad. They bring in nearly $60 million a year.

Current ADL National Director is Abraham Foxman.


3 - Links to Organized Crime

For years, the ADL has been linked to Jewish organized crime.

The ADL gave Las Vegas Jewish gangster, Moe Dalitz, their "Torch of Freedom" award in 1985 for his donating millions of dollars to the state of Israel. Donations from Dalitz, who headed the Cleveland mob known as the Mayfield Road Gang, allegedly came from his ownership of Las Vegas casinos such as the Desert Inn.

Las Vegas Review-Journal article "The Double Life of Moe Dalitz" by John L. Smith, explains Dalitz' background in their series "The First 100 Persons Who Shaped Southern Nevada" (at <http://www.1st100.com/part2/dalitz.html>).

"Early in his life, Dalitz was a bootlegger and racketeer mentioned in the same breath as (Jewish) Meyer Lansky and (Jewish) Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel. In Cleveland, one longtime member of law enforcement would tell the Kefauver Commission, 'Ruthless beatings, unsolved murders and shakedowns, threats and bribery came to this community as a result of gangsters' rise to power.' Dalitz was considered part of that rise."

Theodore Silbert worked simultaneously for the ADL and the Sterling National Bank (a mafia operation controlled by the Lansky syndicate).

Mira Lansky Boland, the granddaughter of notorious Jewish mafia boss, Meyer Lansky, was described in a Village Voice article by Robert Friedman of May 11th, 1993, as the ADL's top 'fact-finder' in Washington.


4 - Spy Ring and Murder Squads?

An Article in the Los Angeles Times of 9th April, 1993, by Richard C. Paddock, detailed a police raid on ADL offices in San Francisco and Los Angeles where the police seizing evidence of a nationwide intelligence network accused of keeping files on more than 950 political groups, newspapers, and labor unions and as many as 12,000 people.

Describing the spy ring in detail, San Francisco authorities simultaneously released voluminous documents telling how operatives of the Anti-Defamation League searched through trash and infiltrated organizations to gather intelligence on Arab-American, right-wing, and what they called "pinko" organizations...

Police alleged that the organization maintains undercover operatives to gather political intelligence in at least seven cities, including Los Angeles and San Francisco.

According to police officials, groups that were the focus of the spy operation span the political spectrum, including such groups as the Ku Klux Klan, the National Alliance, Greenpeace, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the United Farm Workers, and the Jewish Defense League. Also on the list were Mills College, the board of directors of San Francisco public television station KQED, and the San Francisco Bay Guardian newspaper.

In addition to allegations of obtaining confidential information from police, the Anti-Defamation League could face a total of 48 felony counts for not properly reporting the employment of its chief West Coast spy, Roy Bullock, according to the affidavit filed to justify the search warrant.

The Anti-Defamation League disguised payments to Bullock for more than 25 years by funneling $550 a week to Beverly Hills attorney Bruce I. Hochman, who then paid Bullock, according to the documents released in San Francisco. Hochman, a former president of the Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles is one of the state's leading tax attorneys.

"Until 1990, Hochman, a former U.S. prosecutor, also was a member of a panel appointed by then-Senator Pete Wilson to secretly make initial recommendations on new federal judges in California."

Hochman is a former regional president of the Anti-Defamation League.

A second article from the Los Angeles Times, 13th April, 1993, also by Richard C. Paddock, details ADL spy Roy Bullock's possible role in death squads, torture and kidnapping.

The article introduces another ADL spy, Tom Gerard, a former CIA agent and San Francisco police officer was accused of providing confidential material from police files to the Anti-Defamation League.

Gerard fled to the Philippines after the FBI interviewed him, but left behind a briefcase in his police locker. Its contents, according to the Los Angeles Times, included passports, driver's licenses, and identification cards in 10 different names; identification cards in his own name for four different embassies in Central America; and a collection of blank birth certificates, Army discharge papers, and official stationery from various agencies.

Also in Tom Gerard's briefcase were extensive information on death squads, a black hood, apparently for use in interrogations, and photos of blindfolded and chained men.

Investigators suspect that Gerard and other police sources gave the ADL confidential driver's license or vehicle registration information on a vast number of people, including as many as 4,500 members of [just] one target group [of interest to the ADL], the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee.


5 - Service of a Foreign Government?

While posing as a community oriented group of American Jews working to combat bigotry, the ADL has been alleged to used its spy network to illegally provide the government of Israel with information.

In an article entitled "Spies for Zion," in the San Francisco Weekly for 28th April, 1993, police officials expose an illegal spy ring working for Israel. "For decades the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith has gathered secret files on critics of Israel. As the San Francisco District Attorney prepares criminal charges against the group, will pressure from prominent Jewish leaders derail the prosecution?"

The San Francisco Weekly described how the ADL spy network passed information to the Israeli government about a professor who made a negative remark about Israel in his class:

"Professor Dwight Simpson and the consul general of Israel stood in a corner at the Fairmont Hotel discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict amid a bright tinkling of glasses and soft murmuring of voices. Halfway through the conversation at the cocktail party, the Israeli diplomat, Harry Kney-Tal, said: 'By the way, that was a very funny joke you told your class the other day.'

"The San Francisco State University international relations professor didn't think much of the comment at first. But later that night, he asked himself: 'How in the hell does the Israeli consul general know the jokes I tell in my class?"

"As a critic of Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Simpson had been targeted by Jewish students in the past. They picketed his class on several occasions, handing out leaflets charging that he's anti-Semitic and opposes a Jewish homeland.

"So the professor didn't have to wrestle with the consul general's statement for long. He quickly surmised that Kney-Tal got his information from the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith [or ADL for short] by way of Jewish students who do political surveillance work on campus for them. 'It's always confused me why they have to spy on me,' Simpson said, 'My work isn't secret. My whole life is an open book.'

"After a heated demonstration in 1989 that disrupted Simpson's class, the Jewish Student Action committee was expelled from campus for violating academic freedom. 'This is a serious problem in academia,' Simpson added. 'Whenever you have monitoring and surveillance, it stifles the free discussion of ideas...'

"Simpson is just one of thousands of people whose lives have been affected by the far-ranging spy activities of the ADL. An 80-year-old nonprofit, whose professed mission is to fight anti-Semitism, the ADL uses a less controversial term - 'fact-finding' - for its spying...

The article expressed concern that the ADL was above the law:

"Mark my words, this is going to be obfuscated, obliterated, and desecrated,' said one veteran police inspector. 'It's going to a classic study in how things get covered up. You don't do Jewish people in San Francisco. It's not PC. Especially when you have two U.S. Senators who are Jewish (Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein) and the city's chief of protocol is Dick Goldman (a prominent fundraiser in the Jewish community)."

Did Jewish interest work to protect the ADL? The San Francisco Weekly explains how:

"Last week, Goldman called Police Chief Tony Ribera about the police department's own internal investigation. After the call, the police decided to exclude the ADL and Bullock from the probe...

In a Village Voice article by Robert Friedman of 11th May, 1993, the ADL's top 'fact-finder' in Washington and granddaughter of notorious Jewish mafia boss, Meyer Lansky, Mira Lansky Boland, arranged a trip to Israel for Mr. Tom Gerard, the same man in who's briefcase was found information on death squads, a black hood, used in interrogations, and photos of blindfolded and chained men.

According to this same article, Boland admitted at a 1990 criminal trial that she had, in typical ADL Newspeak, "shared information" with members of the CIA at an invitation-only ADL conference.

The same article pointed to an ADL connection to the Jonathan Pollard spy affair:

"In 1987, the ADL came under FBI scrutiny in the wake of the Pollard spy scandal. While assigned to the Navy's Anti-Terrorist Alert Center, where he had access to the most closely-guarded U.S. secrets, Jonathan Pollard stole thousands of pages of classified documents for Israel, which, according to Federal prosecutors, 'could fill a room the size of a large closet ... ten feet by six feet by six feet.' Pollard's handler was Avi Sella, an Israeli air force colonel whose wife worked for the New York ADL as a lawyer. Pollard later wrote to friends that a prominent ADL leader was deeply involved in the Israeli spy operation."

Additional evidence of ADL cooperation with Israeli

Intelligence comes from a letter written by then National Director of the ADL, Benjamin Epstein on July 7, 1961, would indicate otherwise. Epstein was writing to Saul Joftes who was, at the time, the Executive Secretary of the International Council of B'nai B'rith, the ADL's parent organization, requesting additional funds.

"Our information", wrote Epstein, "in addition to being essential for our own operations, has been of great value and service to both the United States State Department and the Israeli government. All data have been made available to both countries with full knowledge that we are the source."


6 - Promotion of Thought Crime

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
- Bill of Rights, Amendment I

The Anti-Defamation League has been leading the fight for thought crime legislation. It was through their efforts that the FBI began tracking "Hate Crimes" and it was the ADL who has lobbied hardest for state and federal hate crime laws. Under the Orwellian-sounding "hate crimes" laws, American citizens would receive different sentences for the same crime, depending on whether or not their thoughts are "Politically Correct" on issues relating to homosexuality, race, nationality, and politics. Ultimately, having certain "politically incorrect" opinions would become a crime in itself. These new laws would make it a crime to say or publish any fact or opinion that could "incite racial hatred and bigotry".

The promotion of Hate Crime legislation, which would designate Jews and other minorities as special classes of citizens, is a primary concern to the ADL. Top on the list in 1999 was the "Hate Crimes Prevention Act" that would have given federal prosecutors new authority to prosecute crimes against minorities and circumvent the Constitution's protection against Double Jeopardy. Though the measure failed because of Republican opposition, the ADL vowed to fight on. A Jewish Telegraphic Agency story titled "Jewish groups did not get all they wanted in Congress" dated November 20, 1999 explains:

"But on their other top priorities, Jewish groups were not as successful."

"Tougher hate crimes legislation was dropped during the final days of negotiations over the budget bill."

"Michael Lieberman, the Anti-Defamation League's Washington counsel, said his group will push for the measure again when Congress comes back in January."

The ADL has pioneered Thought Crime and what they call "Hate Crime" legislation. The ADL web site proudly admits to the ADL's leading role in the introduction to their 1999 Hate Crime Laws article:

"ADL has long been in the forefront of national and state efforts to deter and counteract hate-motivated criminal activity."

"In June 1993, the United States Supreme Court upheld a Wisconsin hate crime statute that was based on model legislation originally drafted by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in 1981."


7 - Role in Internet Censorship

In an attempt to limit access to unapproved web sites on the world wide web, the ADL pioneered what they call their "Hate Filter". The ADL has promoted their Hate Filter to parents who want to limit what the ADL considers objectionable content. More insidious are efforts by the ADL to provide their Hate Filter to public institutions such as public libraries, schools and colleges. The ADL has also worked with major Internet carries like America Online (AOL) to create "Terms of Service" which would prohibit any speech the ADL finds offensive.

The ADL web site proudly claims that their Hate Filter:

".protects children by blocking access to World Wide Web sites of individuals or groups that, in the judgment of the Anti-Defamation League, advocate hatred, bigotry or even violence towards Jews or other groups on the basis of their religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or other immutable characteristics."

Limiting facts or opinions the ADL find objectionable is not limited to their Hate Filter. ADL operatives now work with major Internet providers such as AOL to limit access to objectionable web site. Subscribers to these services that post opinions that the ADL doesn't like on their web pages or on Usenet are notified that their accounts are cancelled.

The ADL works to ensure that commercial ISPs create terms of service that limit what their users can read or say. By lobbying commercial carriers to censor their users, the ADL acheives their aim of outlawing free speech and expression without the contraints of the First Amendment's protections.

An ADL press release from October 21, 1996 titled "New ADL Report Documents Increased Use of Internet By Haters; ADL and AOL Explore Ways To Set Standards Against Hate Online," ADL National Director, Abe Foxman, explains typical ADL double-talk how they are working with AOL to set policies against politically incorrect speech. These policies, known as "Terms of Service" can then be used by commercial carriers to enforce speech regulations without concern for Constitutional Rights.

"We are working with America Online to create an atmosphere of responsibility on-line, to set standards within the framework of the First Amendment that will give assurances to parents, educators and communities that there is no tolerance for hate on-line."

In a follow-up press release from April 7, 1997 titled "ADL Calls On America Online To Adhere To Own Guidelines Regarding Hate Material" the ADL explains their relationship with AOL and what "standards within the framework of the First Amendment" means.

"In the past, the League has been gratified by the responsiveness of AOL to complaints about racism and bigotry but now calls on AOL to adhere to their terms of service regarding hate material with equal vigilance as those regarding pornography."

"While we strongly believe in freedom of speech and do not advocate censorship on the Internet," said Mr. Foxman, " we expect those companies which have created guidelines to adhere to them."

"AOL's terms of service state that AOL, Inc., its affiliates and ICPs have the right to remove content they deem, in their discretion, "harmful" or "offensive." The League calls on AOL to live up to its own commitments."

In the ADL article "Responding to Extemist Speech Online: 10 Frequently Asked Questions", the ADL explains how they work around the Constitution to stifle free speech. In this article, the ADL suggests the following:

"Commercial ISPs, such as America Online (AOL), may voluntarily agree to prohibit users from sending racist or bigoted messages over their services. Such prohibitions do not implicate First Amendment rights because they are entered into through private contracts and do not involve government action in any way.

"Once an ISP promulgates such regulations, it must monitor the use of its service to ensure that the regulations are followed. If a violation does occur, the ISP should, as a contractual matter, take action to prevent it from happening again. For example, if a participant in a chat room engages in racist speech in violation of the "terms of service" of the ISP, his account could be cancelled, or he could be forbidden from using the chat room in the future. ISPs should encourage users to report suspected violations to company representatives."

The ADL suggests in the same article that Universities limit the use of their computer systems to prevent students from promoting or reading objectionable material.

"Because private universities are not agents of the government, they may forbid users from engaging in offensive speech using university equipment or university services."

"Nonetheless, public universities may promulgate content-neutral regulations that effectively prevent the use of school facilities or services by extremists. For example, a university may limit use of its computers and server to academic activities only. This would likely prevent a student from creating a racist Web site for propaganda purposes or from sending racist E-mail from his student E-mail account. One such policy -- at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana -- stipulates that its computer services are "provided in support of the educational, research and public service missions of the University and its use must be limited to those purposes."

8 - Conclusions

Behind this mask of humanitarian public service hides an organization with links to organized crime, murder squads, a domestic spying ring used to “monitor” tens of thousands of Americans, and the Mossad, the secret police and assassination service of the Israeli government. With the help of a friendly media, the ADL has become the premier lobby for Jewish interests in America, and the source of hate crime legislation and curtailment of First Amendment freedom of speech through their attempted censorship of the Internet.


Below is a link to a video of Trump talking about ‘stamping out Anti-Semitism’. Not only is this against freedom of speech, it is against freedom of worship. The crime of anti-Semitism is already enforced in other white countries. If this becomes a crime in America then that means that we who bring you these truths will be criminals. Worshiping the true God Yahweh will be a crime.

We will confront Anti-Semitism

Trump has taken sides with the enemy and repeats their propaganda and lies.

House Passes ‘Combating Anti-Jewishism Act of 2017’  – article (more protection for Jews/Muslims, less for whites)

Truth ruled anti-Semitic  – article (John Kaminski)

Isaiah 5:20  Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

The Jews are not Semites!